Sunday, August 25, 2024

Evelyn-Wood Seven-Day Speed Reading and Learning Program by Stanley D. Frank

This book helps you overcome subvocalization (reading aloud under your breath), repeating lines, and some other habits that slow you down while reading, it also shares careful speed reading strategies like previewing, reviewing, and careful note taking to aid comprehension.


Here are 10 major lessons from Evelyn Wood's speed reading book:

1. The Importance of Purpose: Before reading, define your clear purpose to stay focused and directed.

2. Relaxation and Concentration: Relax your body and mind to achieve a state of concentrated attention.

3. Effective Eye Movement: Use your eyes efficiently by moving in a smooth, flowing motion, without stopping or regression.

4. Recognition of Word Patterns: Develop your ability to recognize common word patterns and groups to read more efficiently.

5. Skimming and Scanning Techniques: Master skimming and scanning techniques to quickly identify main ideas and supporting details.

6. Meta-Guiding: Use a pointer (e.g., finger or pen) to guide your eyes and maintain a consistent reading pace.

7. Chunking: Group words into meaningful chunks to increase reading speed and comprehension.

8. Rapid Reading: Practice rapid reading techniques to increase your reading speed without sacrificing comprehension.

9. Active Reading: Engage with the material by asking questions, making connections, and summarizing the content.

10. Practice and Reinforcement: Regular practice and reinforcement are crucial to developing and maintaining speed reading skills.

You can access a copy of the book, The Evelyn Wood Seven-Day Speed Reading and Learning Program on Amazon









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