Emmanuel Ayeni
Emmanuel Ayeni

Exploring Greatness|Personal Development|Organizational Growth|Skill Acquisition|Total Empowerment|Success|Spirituality| Books|Motivation|Inspirational Writing|Financial Intelligence|Wealth Creation|Book Reviews|Training||Accountability Coaching and lots more..
Welcome to Week 19 of 52...PLAY BIG!
Earlier in my few visits to the basketball court in the University, one of the things the Coach did was separate the "big men" (tall guys) from the 'small men' -short or not so tall guys 😀
Then he would announce to everyone that the tall guys ordinarily should be able to Play in the big league due to heights and some skills,then he would face the not so tall guys and say "You guys can also play in the big game if only you PLAY BIG and show more skills( speed and more coordination on the court).
Often times we choose to play small...but like Marriane Williamson wrote in her popular poem "Your playing small does not serve the world "
By choosing and daring to play big something happens.
When we choose to love more, learn more, earn more, and add more value to people, our works and our walks the extraordinary happens and we live more on a whole new level.
Play big! Only those who play big win big.
Keep Rising To Greatness!
Emmanuel Ayeni
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PS. You can join my #RiseToGreatness community in WhatsApp to receive more inspirational insights for Personal and Financial Mastery for FREE.. Chat +2347033875827
PS: My fast selling book Write To Earn : 13 Ways To Make Serious Money Writing is now up live on Amazon Kindle today
To order a copy directly simply pay N3000 to
Guaranty Trust Bank
Emmanuel Ayeni
And send *Fullname*Email address to +2347033875827 and your book will be sent to your email.
PSS: There is never a better time to invest in your Financial Freedom than now.
All is now ready and set for the next Personal and Financial Mastery Training holding online in a closed Facebook Group and on Whatsapp.
To join the next edition send a message to +2347033875827.
This 6 hour Class holds online in a closed Facebook and WhatsApp Group.
This edition costs N5,000 but it will be available this week at an amazing discount only for a limited time, if you are among the early action takers.
To join the next edition holding on Saturday 26th of May, 2018 by 9am kindly pay the sum of N2,999 (early bird price) into
Guaranty Trust Bank
Emmanuel Ayeni
Send SMS and payment details to +2347033875827 in this format *BA3*Fullname*Email*
You also get Bumper Bonuses (worth over N50,000 ) after registration
👈30minutes one on one Coaching call with me
👈 A copy of my fast selling Ebook Write To Earn: 13 Ways To Make Serious Money Writing Online
👈A free copy of my Ebook Echoes of Wisdom, already selling On Amazon Kindle
👈 Free copy of my Money Magnet Report: 10 Ways To Become a Money Magnet.
👈 A free copy of my latest Book Money Mastery: 7 Ways To End Your Money Worries
👈 7 Day money back guarantee
PS. The N2,999 early bird offer ends by Friday 14th May, 2017 and price will be back at N5,000
PSS. The $27 Seminar cost can also be made in other currencies or cryptocurrency.
All enquiries to
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