Excerpts from ...Walking in the Realm of the Miraculous
by Kenneth Copeland
Great book on the Love of God...
"True prosperity is the ability to use the
power of God to meet the needs of mankind. Of course,
this includes finances, but it also includes all the things
money can’t buy—things such as healing, peace of mind,
answers to social and political problems, etc. All these are a
part of the revival occurring today in the earth.
The second area involves a revelation of the love of God
The Lord said to me a number of years ago: “A revelation of
the love of God is the highest revelation of the Church
because I am love.” To have a revelation of the love of God
is to have a revelation—not of what He has or what He can
do—but of God Himself. God is love, and He is revealing
His love as never before to the world today.
Today, there is a vast army of men and women
who have made the decision to live and walk in the realm of
the miraculous. The love of God is the key to walking in that
realm. There are things available to us in walking in the love
of God that are not available any other way
When Jesus said, “Turn the other cheek,” He didn’t
intend for you to get beaten up. He intended for you to be
2 4 Walking in the Realm of the Miraculous
walking in the love of God so powerfully that when you
do turn your other cheek, the enemy can’t hit you
O God in heaven, I commit myself today to
develop my faith in Your love. I commit myself to Your Word, to be
pleasing unto You—to walk in love, even as Jesus walked. I make
the quality decision now to talk in love, think in love and respond
to all things in love. I renounce selfishness in the Name of Jesus. It
has no part in me. I am born of love, so I will walk in love!
We know definitely that we have the same capacity to
love as Jesus does because it is the love of God which has
been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Think
about that. The love of God is shed abroad in your heart.
It is in you because He is in you. You are born of Him. You
have been made one spirit with the Lord. What is that
spirit? The Holy Spirit. Who is He? He is compassion and
mercy and love.
Words and Actions
How can you become “love-ofGod
conscious” to the point that you
respond in love in every situation and
with every person you meet?
There are two ways: by the confession
of your mouth and by your actions.
Let’s talk a moment about acting
on and confessing the love of God.
You can respond
in love in every
situation and with
every person
you meet by the
confession of your
mouth and by
your actions.
“To walk in
love—to live in this God kind of love—is like a man walking
in a dense, early morning fog. He walks in it until his
clothes are saturated with moisture, until the brim of his
hat drips with water.”
“I’m a
believer. I’m born of love. The love way is my way because
it’s God’s way and I am born of God.”
You can walk in the
love of God to the
point that your whole
being is saturated
with love.
The Name of Jesus works when
believers are operating in agreement and harmony together.
When we begin to harmonize and walk in agreement as a
Body—not just as one or two, here and there, but in
agreement—nothing shall be impossible to us! "
culled from Walking in the Realm of the Miraculous
by Kenneth Copeland
- Emmanuel Ayeni
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Lifecoach, Engineer and Entrepreneur