I have always had a resolve to read the Bible through each year, In fact over the past 7 years I have had this goal, However, no matter how much i tried, it's always been like a tall dream, as I always had to try or start all over again every year. However, this year I have a stronger resolve to do 'a bit' daily to get that done.
I sincerely believe that God's word can change my world, that is why the devil will stop at nothing to ensure i read less of God's word. What about you?
The Bible is a special book for me. I am not clouded by any religious ritual of whatever form.Nope! I refuse to. I was introduced to the world of reading almost right on time; about my 8th or 9th birthday even despite my peculiar background ... (I still feel that was A LITTLE late though)- i think its great when kids are taught to read earlier. Out of the stories and books I read growing up or that i presently read, none has been of so much impact on me like the Bible. The Words in it are powerful enough to draw me to its Author and it still does, the words in it were powerful to strip me of every bad habits, and all juvenile delinquencies.This was where I saw the need for a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, in that old flamingo-leather-bound *Yoruba Bible at my parent's then, rented old two-room apartment somewhere in Osogbo (a town in western Nigeria, West Africa).
God's word is food to our spirit man and map or compass to help our journey from earth to eternity. It is God's love letter to humanity.
I sincerely believe that God's word can change my world, that is why the devil will stop at nothing to ensure i read less of God's word. What about you? John Bunyan was right 'This BOOK will take you away from sin or sin will take you away from this BOOK' I LOVE MY BIBLE. I will go on to reward myself with a French Bible this year once i am able to read the Bible through... I am currently on a 90 day plan but i am tons of chapters and many days behind schedule...So I am taking a every good step in following through by tracking it weekly and being accountable with every one on my blog and perhaps in any possible place.Perhaps if it's not achieved in a a single 90 day plan it would be achieved in two 90 day plans.
The fact that Bibles are very wonderful versions and formats soft or electronic copies make reading better and better.
I am presently wrapping up the book of Numbers and by weekend I hope I am out of Deuteronomy and by next weekly update on my Bible reading I hope I am closer to the new testament .... wow! that's just so much discipline needed here! I will appreciate your comments on different personal experiences in reading the Bible through.
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Emmanuel Ayeni
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