It’s a great day and a wonderful Sunday. I hope we all had a great Sunday service. As it’s usual to have a post on spirituality post every Sunday, today I will by God’s grace share the Word. The topic above, Table of Celebration was a word i received in my spirit while going to the Church this morning. It was so strong and it kept echoing all through the service.
I began to meditate and pray about clarity on this topic to be shared today.
Let’s look straight to the scriptures -the Bible, God’s Holy Word;
Psalm 23: 5.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows.
The table of celebration means there is celebration galore; it is not a one- time bout of celebration, but rather a momentous and continuous one. It is a table, it is established, when God sets a table of celebration for you, it is ‘Just There !’, no one or nothing can take it away.
However it is good to look at the nature of this table in the light of the scripture above.
This table is ‘prepared’ : God has a package with your name on it. It is not an accidental event, it is not a fluke, God has a deliberate agenda for your empowerment, all -round blessing and manifestation. God has deliberately prepared a table for you, you might not see it now, but he is preparing it and when He is done, it is fully laid out, it will make sense after all, because He has prepared it for YOU.
This table is first of all in God’s presence: The table is in God’s presence and because you are in His presence, you are made perfect, made whole and strengthened.
My Bible says in
Psam 16:11
You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.
It is a celebration table with an atmosphere of joy all around, can you see it! Do you believe and receive it now? God is a cheerful Dad, that love to see His children have lots of good things and enjoy life to the fullest.
This table is obviously in the presence of your enemies!: This means you are untouchable, this also connotes astounding protection and victory, your enemies, haters , doubters or critics or whoever they are can’t do nothing but be marvelled by how much God has come to help you. Also, I see ministry of angels on this note, they are assigned for your protection even at this table.
He anoints my head with oil: This table of celebration is the place of empowerment; the anointing is a seal of authority, empowerment for leadership, and everything will be determined by leadership, this comes with rising influence or authority- that means you are in charge. This is because God has taken charge and you now know what to do, you run with His will and then you are in charge, because you now represent God!
My Cup Overflows: This is celebration table prepared by God for YOU, and sure enough for your friends as well, because your enemies are there powerless and confounded, so your friends won’t do nothing but join the feast! Can you imagine what it looks like? If you have ever sat at a dinner table of a wealthy King, or Head of State, you know it would be filled with bounties and varieties, so this is no exception; it surpasses all you can imagine. The table of celebration ushers in a new season, your season of plenty and abundance, with your cup overflowing with oil. Your cup is your vessel, what you carry, and can receive with; this is an overflowing blessing beyond what can ever carry. Another thing here is that the size of your cup determines the relative level of your overflow...
What are the characteristics and prerequisite for this table of celebration...? We will check them subsequently...
Happy New month and do be blessed
Emmanuel Ayeni
Lifecoach, Engineer and Entrepreneur
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