It's a great day! And today I like to bring you tweets from my timeline on #RiseToGreatness
E. Ayeni|#LIFE Coach
You see Success demands preparation, a whole lot of the preparation is internal while others are external, however a good deal of it that happens to be external must not be under-emphasized or overlooked.Please follow the tips as shared below...
E. Ayeni|#LIFE Coach @Emmandus
It's a great day! Welcome to another edition of #RiseToGreatness, I am Emmanuel Ayeni #MWEA #Emmandus
Last week we shared: RISE TO GREATNESS: What does it mean? http://www.emmanuelayeni.com/2015/02/rise-to-greatness-what-does-it-means.html … #RiseToGreatness
If you embark on a journey, you need to dress for where you are going not for where you are coming from. #DressForSuccess #RiseToGreatness
The way you dress determines the way you are addressed. #RiseToGreatness
You don't dine at the table of princes wearing the clothes of peasants. #RiseToGreatness
There is a dress code that enhances your access into the hall of #Greatness. #DressforGreatness #RiseToGreatness
In the hall of greatness, a great dress-sense & good blend of style boosts confidence ... as knowledge inspires confidence #RiseToGreatness
When you dress to radiate all that is good, lovely and positive. You give expression to your highest self #RiseToGreatness
When you deliberately dress for #Greatness you have done one thing within your circle of influence in your effort to #RiseToGreatness
"You can't climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure"- Zig Ziglar . Consciously Dress for Greatness. #RiseToGreatness
Join me again on #RiseToGreatness @Emmandus by God's special grace on Monday mornings.
Emmanuel Ayeni|#LIFE Coach @Emmandus
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