If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
Henry David Thoreau
We all have different ideas about life. Life will always be to us based on or perception of it.TO some people life is a race, to some life is like a dance, while to others life is either a game, a battle or even a marketplace.
Whatever your view is(i love to read them in the comments section), i share points here on living life more deliberately.
1. Get a hang on Life: No matter what people have called life, you personally need to get a personal perspective to life. What is life to you, and what do you plan to make out of it. What would you like to be remembered for? Reflect on it and write it down...develop your own mission statement. Evaluate it, have fun and enjoy the process.
2. Practice the art of Goal setting: How will you describe two teams setting about to play a game of soccer without goal posts; there will be no recorded scores or notable progress. This is true for a man who has got no goals. Plan your life. If you plan your resources, your life is the greatest resource you have; plan it. You need to have what I call a #GOALPAD and plan out your short-term, mid-term and long-term goals.
3. Get a hang of your Time: anyone or anything that controls your time, controls your life. Begin today to manage every minute of your life more deliberately. Plan, strategize. Do not allow life to just happen to you.Allot your time to everything instrumental your goals.
4. Note Your Ideas: Ideas are the foundations of the world's greatest empires. Ideas are the seed of every great revolution in the world. Never under-emphasize the power of ideas, carry an #IDEA pad around and note very idea that comes to you anytime anywhere.
5. Take action; You need to always take action. This is the way to achieve your dreams and goals. Taking actions is the connecting point between Ideas and desired results. Keep advancing confidently in the direction of your dreams.Never ever give up. If you fail try again, keep learning, unlearning, taking action and doing things differently. Write. Apply for a job. Start a new Business.Learn a foreign Language.Volunteer.Give. Help. Give up a bad habit. Ask the girl of your dreams out. Start a Blog. Make the Phone calls. Read a new book. Travel. Do something different. Take Action NOW!
6. Ask!!: When you ask, it shall be given to you, seek and you will find. No matter what you want to achieve, it has been achieved many times over before you, ask for directions, ask for guidance, ask for directions, ask for help, ask for responsibility, ask!!!
7. Be Exceptionally grateful: No one is able to live at high altitude without an exceptional attitude. Gratitude is the exceptional attitude that qualifies you for life at high altitudes. Cultivate the habit of Gratitude, I wrote a blog post on gratitude for 30 days , thankful for every blessing. Start a culture of gratitude. Gratitude makes blessings multiply, it makes abundant blessings move towards you faster than you can imagine, it makes you closer to God; the source of all good things. Be grateful for life , the birds, the air and every conceivable opportunity.
These are 7 ways I believe You can begin to live life more deliberately, you can share your views in the comments section.
Live Life to the fullest!
Emmanuel Ayeni
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