Rising Above Adversity
by Victoria Osteen
Every day, life brings new opportunities and presents you with thousands of new choices. One of the first choices you get to make each day is about your attitude. Yes, whether you realize it or not, attitude is a choice. You can't just wait and allow your circumstances to dictate your attitude; you have to be on the offensive and choose your perspective for each day. When you wake up with enthusiasm and choose to be grateful, you are "putting on" the right attitude. You are setting your day up for success and opening the door to be used by God in a powerful way.
Everyone faces difficulties. We all have obstacles that can seem impossible to overcome. However, the difference between those who are able to rise above their adversities and those who get stuck in them is attitude. I've heard that attitude determines altitude!
You don't have to be around our ministry very long to hear a message on the importance of having a thankful attitude. A thankful attitude is a form of praise. It shows that your faith and hope are in Almighty God. I believe it is one of the main keys to living the abundant life God has in store!
Today, you may have some negative things happening. You may have some challenges or unexpected situations crossing your path, but remember, a thankful attitude and a heart of praise will empower you to rise above any adversity!
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."(Psalm 100:4, NIV)
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