Most times you need to just focus and run your own race.
Many may not know where you are going; and only a few may know where you are coming from.Only you can really answer the vital question of where you currently are and where you want to be.
The most vital thing for you to do is to run your own race.
The world may be full of noises but choose to be a voice; a positive one.
We usually find ourselves among mixed multitudes; it's your duty to always choose to stand behind yourself;evaluate and re-strategize.
The crowds are important they form the multitude in the market place,the audience, the onlookers and the congregation, yet, do not get lost among the crowd, choose to be yourself;your very best, and to your own very self be true.
No matter what. Run your Race; it is peculiar to who you are and who you are set to become.
Reach for Greatness!
Emmanuel Ayeni
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