30 days of Gratitude :DAY 17 of 30
noun (plural triumphs)
A conclusive success following an effort, conflict, or confrontation of obstacles; victory; conquest.
the triumph of knowledge (source: wikitionary)
From the very definition of triumph or victory, we can clearly see that triumph does not come without a measure of effort or obstacles. No battles fought; no victory won. Today I am grateful for triumph, being thankful for a triumph is an arduous task because as a young person, I have a thousand and one triumphs I will forever be thankful for.
I will run with these while sharing a couple of stories.
From the spirituality perspective, I thank God for triumph over lack,sin and sickness! And a new ticket to health, wealth, holiness and purposeful living. This comes through a personal relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ.
I am grateful for the Triumph of Good over evil everyday. No matter how deep the evil cloud of darkness, there will be silver lining and in short moments the sun will shine and darkness will give way to light.
Many years ago I set out to share my writings online and from the newspaper, about this time I began to learn more about intrepreneurship (ways of doing business and making money online), however, I never did make any of the money until sometimes last year when I received my first cheques from Google. The cheque might not be a million bucks, however, It is a taste of triumph.
A similar instance to this was my first earning in Network Marketing, prior to this time I had joined a network marketing business as an undergraduate, but I never had a taste of rewards and at some point I couldn't seem to connect the dots between my field of study- Electrical& Electronics Engineering with the product lines- vitamins etc. , so I quitted about6 months after joining. However, about a year ago after careful research, I joined the Network Marketing Company I am with now A2W , and I have discovered a vast variety of exciting products, I have also met a highly motivated team of people and I continue to have a taste of reward as I build a viable team on our way to being becoming financially intelligent and financially free.
These and many more are instances of triumphs for which I am ever grateful.
Ever grateful
Emmanuel Ayeni
Life-coach,Engineer and Entrepreneur
(c)August 2014, Emmanuel Ayeni
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