30 days of Gratitude :DAY 12 of 30
SKILL (noun): the ability to do something that comes from training, experience, or practice
I am always a proponent of skills. My background I believe made it so. I grew up watching my Dad start up a shoe workshop where he made shoes for both sexes, despite having an accounting degree from the University; he ran the workshop before he moved on to paid employment.
So while we went to school he made us see the need for informal forms of education like getting a skill that can always pay the bill anytime, especially vocational skills.
Things have changed today, one might not always need only vocational skills but one will always need survival skills-some of which are soft skills, essential and needed for any circumstance.
Having learnt some skills all through my school times, skills ranging from a 2-week shoe mending class at LOBITO, a workshop down our old street (now I wish it were an early course in programming or computer networks),.a bit of painting, and my first computer lessons on Windows 2000 during my high school summer breaks to some holiday trainings in GSM repairs and circuits .
While I am grateful for the opportunity to have learnt these skills, I am much more grateful for a skill, the skill I learnt during the months-long strike in my final years at the University. I had teamed up with my very close friend Paul and I learnt the skills involved in Satellites and installations of it. I am grateful for this skill today; it is one of the core skills in the kits of my technological skills with high commercial values. These skill is part of the IT and other Engineering services we offer today at Emmandus Networks Nig. Ltd. (a company in which Emmandus Inspirational Network aka House of Emmandus, is the consulting arm)
Skills answer the question of “How” and the right skills can always pay the bills. I am grateful for Skills.
Your Billion-Dollar friend
Emmanuel Ayeni
Life-coach,Engineer and Entrepreneur
(c)August 2014, Emmanuel Ayeni
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