Hello. It's a great day and I am excited today to share the continuation of the Secrets of Success as shared by Internet Marketer Patric Chan. Please Enjoy it and see you in my next post.
5 More Secrets
by Patric Chan
Sometimes, being successful is simply by understanding one pivotal secret that is so powerful and profound. Then applying it into your daily life. The more you apply, the more success starts to appear, effortlessly. This is why, when 2 people read a book, one person achieved success while the other person gained nothing. Because the person who succeed “got it”.
Here are 5 more secrets I would like to share with you. You can read the earlier 7 from this post.
1. Plan B
Do you have a Plan B if your Plan A did not succeed? If that’s the case, you’re somehow not planning for Plan A to succeed. I know – we want to be “safe”. But then again, it’s by not playing safe that allows you to strive and to achieve breakthrough. Do you now see how you’re contradicting yourself to success? From Walt Disney to Bill Gates, you can already see the trait of successful people in creating wealth – they don’t play it “safe”.
2. Learn Fast
It’s amazing that in this 21st century, wealth can be made through information directly or indirectly. If you’re knowledgeable, it goes without saying that you’ll be ahead of many other people. And at the same time, if you can learn fast and able to teach, there’s another opportunity for you: you can become a speaker, author or like what I’m doing – sharing and selling on the internet.
3. The Psychology of Wealth
How do you react towards money? I mean, have you seen some people who always seem to be “lucky” and being able to “attract” money easily? That’s the science of psychology that they have with money. It’s not just Law of Attraction stuff. One thing I’ve learned is this – if we start fearing that money is going away (or you’re spending too much), weirdly enough, MORE money will go away. The method of solution is to train your mind to focus on abundance of wealth, instead of the lack of it.
4. Mindset Wiring
I realize that the core reason whether you’re able to make money or to become a millionaire simply boils down to how you’re able to make powerful decisions and executing them as perfectly as possible. Now, seriously – *nothing* is going to happen if you sit down and perform visualization, manifestation, sub-conscious mind attraction and any of that new age stuff. They will only work when you have made a decision to achieve your goal and see it through. In a nutshell, how does your mind thinks? How is your brain wired to make “right” decisions?
The Opportunity You Use
One day, I was with my friend and I was ranting to him that I was working hard that day. Then he looked at me and pointed to my gardener and said, “He worked hard too but I think you can’t be seriously rant about your hard work for the output you’re getting from it.”
The lesson is this, being hardworking is important but at the same time, you’ll get different result on different Opportunities you’re working on. Pick your “vehicle” wisely. Otherwise, you’ll end up spending too much time, effort and resources on it. For me, I’ll choose the vehicle that allows me to create passive income and have extreme leverage.
Pick one secret that resonate with you. Or pick all. All of them are my “formulas” to success and it’s my great pleasure sharing them with you.
To your success,
Author, Wake Up Millionaire
Patric Chan is one of those “ordinary people” that has made an extraordinary lifestyle despite his “interesting” background. Living on a small island in Malaysia, never been to a college or University, having absolutely no network of association and starting with zero money, Patric is now an international speaker, best-selling author and entrepreneur.
Patric has co-authored Clicking Cash with Robert G. Allen, the New York Times best-selling author of One Minute Millionaire, Multiple Streams of Income, Nothing Down and Cash In A Flash.
Check out Patric's website at http://www.patricchan.name/
Be blessed!
Emmanuel Ayeni
Twitter: @emmandus
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/emmandus
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