Beautiful Thursday Morning! Birthdays of Friends,my Uncle and a cousin. And amazingly it's the convocation day for my first degree, B. Tech (Hons) Electrical and Electronics Engineering, more interesting is the fact that i will not be attending(You see we were long due for this for about 3 years ago and right now it's the least of our priority- I mean Class 10-THE10PLATINUM). Yeah it starts in less than 2 hours ago at my Alma-mater Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso -Oyo state in Nigeria (Yeah! That's my Uni!). now that's about 4 hours drive from Lagos, given less traffic congestion. Well it's so short-notice and among other things, I have chosen not to attend,I would have loved to be there though..., I hope that drives me to attend convocation for higher degrees God willing...Anyways Happy Convocation to me, the class of 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012
The past few weeks have been so wonderful.I am continuously researching new contents and traffic strategy for my blog, while also having a line up of book reviews.Talking about book reviews, I have a goal i kicked off on to read 100 books this year and boy! I am still 24 books behind schedule. That is a personal challenge I set for 2014 just couple of months ago.
Reaching this goal will help me flex my speed reading muscles, and thereby cover much space in my personal development plan.
I also hope to review not less than 50 books this year- that's an average of one book per week.
I have a long line up of them already! I feel excited about this.
While I have all these set, i hope to share more great contents (and sure some money making tips too ;) ) in the coming days,weeks and months from now.
Also along the line my 100 video challenge still stands and I hope to have an interesting video (already recorded) uploaded on my you tube channel by weekend. You can view other past videos on I might share some of my assignments from an online 6 week course on Public Speaking I am taking on an online portal. The course has been interesting and well taught by a Lecturer from University of Washington.
So today while i push more on the goal for my new book,among other events I will look forward to a great opportunity meeting at my MLM business and a great session at the Toastmaster's Meeting.
I toast to a wonderful workday and great appointments for the day!
Emmanuel Ayeni
Twitter: @emmandus
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