I am not a Doctor neither am I a health practitioner, but tonight I will attempt to attempt to give some health tips from my personal perspective and from common but easily forgotten knowledge. I believe proper adherence to these tips will keep us all away from the Doctor for a long time.
1. Eat Healthy: Most times due to the kinds of work we do or the conditions we find ourselves we tend to eat so much of fast food, most of which are junks. We throw caution to the wind and stuff ourselves with stuffs that saps us our much required energy and these foods' in turn add nothing to us as far as nutrition and vitality are concerned.
Remember the age long saying- " You are what you eat".
2. Drink a lot of water: I understand that our entire body is made up of over 70 percent of water, so obviously the body needs good supply of water to function normally. A common notion is that recommended minimum daily healthy water intake is between 2 to 3 litres of water or 8 glass cups of water however this may vary due to geographical areas and climatic differences.However, we always need regular intake of water to compensate for loss of water from normal physiological processes like perspiration, respiration and urination. Water itself is found in most of the world's best therapy also an important part of the best weight loss measures. So the idea is to take water when you feel like or don't feel like taking it.
3. Exercise: Exercising the body like we all know helps the body's physiological processes and it in turn helps our organs function normally. We are also aware that exercising the body helps build and tone our muscles. Hence part of the many benefits of exercise is that it helps in burning stored fats in weight control, it also helps digestion, strengthens the heart and of course helps mental development . For exercise to be efficient, a REGULAR ROUTINE is necessary.
4. Pay attention to proper hygiene: Paying attention to proper hygiene will go along way to help you prevent a wide range of diseases or infections. For instance certain infections like cough, cold or the flu are usually contacted through touch or contact with infected persons and improper hygiene practices are the chief causes of being infected. So you need to think about how many times you have eaten snack in public with the same hands used in shaking someone who has just touched who -knows-what. Regular washing of hands with soap and water before meal and after every outing is a very good and safe practice.
5. Eat Good Rations of Fruits and Vegetables: I once saw a campaign by the UK Health Society, tagged 'Eat 5- a- day' , it was to emphasize the need to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.My take is no matter how many times you do, You should cultivate the habits of eating good ration of both fruts and vegetables regularly.
I believe these tips are basic keys to healthy living .
Obviously there a whole lot of health tips and I will happy if you can share more of them with us here in the comment section.
Stay Healthy, stay wealthy!
Emmanuel Ayeni
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