2014 A Year in Review...
A couple of weeks ago, I had people especially mentors start reviewing 2014. I actually wasn't keen on reviewing immediately but I knew I had to even though I still believed the year has not totally ended. But with every passing day that gets us closer to 2015, I saw the need for 3 key things;
The need to review 2014
The need to take away the lessons from 2014.
And how necessary it is to plan for 2015.
2014, now referred to as the 'past year has been a great year, there is no better time to be grateful than right now and even every time.
God has brought us from where we were to where we are and while we might not be where we intended, we are surely far from where we started from.
The past year has been a wonderful year of fulfillment and happiness. I smiled,laughed and at a few times cried. It was a wonderful year with a lot of successes and many platforms for feedbacks and learning .
I set goals across different spheres achieved most and dropped the ball in a few.
Above all I have become stronger and wiser off than I was . I have been blessed by more amazing relationships and the blessings are endless...
Exploring Greatness|Personal Development|Organizational Growth|Skill Acquisition|Total Empowerment|Success|Spirituality| Books|Motivation|Inspirational Writing|Financial Intelligence|Wealth Creation|Book Reviews|Training||Accountability Coaching and lots more..
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
2014 A Year in Review
Monday, December 29, 2014
It's a great day! It's my birhday! And today amidst the calls, messages and gifts from friends and loved ones and organizations, I am actually 28 years healthier and wealthier today. Today is the best day to share with you , my ice breaker - an introductory Toastmaster speech I delivered on the 11th December,2014.
Please enjoy it, comments and feed backs are welcome!
ICE BREAKER : IT BEGAN IN IBADAN by TM Emmanuel Ayeni, Speech project presented at TM Merit,Ikeja.
IBADAN is the larget city in Nigeria, West Africa. Earl Nightingale was right when he said “Everything begins with an idea” but I must say for me everything began in the great city of Ibadan on the 29th of December more than 2 Decades ago. For amidst much anticipation and expectation, that Monday morning at Oluyoro Catholic Hospital, a young woman who had undergone over 18 hours of prolonged labour faced the possibility of a Caesarian section. However, thanks to prayers of friends and family members and God’s timely intervention-just at the nick of time, she put to bed a healthy, handsome bouncing baby boy and the joyful cries of anew born child filled the entire ward. So on that beautiful day, a great light shone over the city of Ibadan as I Emmanuel Oluwadunsin Ayeni was born into the large and lovely Ayeni Family at Yemetu Ibadan.
I AM the second born in a family of Six. And for me growing up was fun and lots of learning. After the creation of states in 1991,I left my Grandparents in Ibadan and joined my parents in Osogbo to continue my primary school education. So I lived and schooled in Osogbo with my parents and siblings before my University education. Many people have different opinions about life; some say life is a marketplace, some say life is a battle field while others think it’s a game, what do you think? I believe life is a precious gift from God, a great privilege and much more an exciting journey.This is the reason I have decided to live it to the fullest. My love for life and adventure is wrapped up in 4 keywords ; Books, Travel, People and most importantly God. I love Travel. St. Augustine said life is a bookhe who has not travelled has read but a page. “I have travelled far and wide” this reminds me of a speaker who once boasted before his audience “I have travelled to india, Italy, Oklahoma, Philadelphia, in fact, I have travelled far and wide!, so a young student stood up and said “Sir, You must really know Geography” “Yes!” the man answered “You see, Geography is a very beautiful country”. So having been to over 10 of the 36 states in Nigeria, including the FCT, and several other places on pages of magazines, books and internet, I can jokingly say I have travelled far and wide, and I hope to do more travels in the future. There are many reasons why I like travelling, Some are; the sense of adventure, the opportunity to meet people of varying cultures and try new dishes-I love good food. Travelling has been said to make people natural story tellers and since I like to write,a sage once said Travelling is an aphrodisiac of writing. In order to see more of the world, I am making plans with friends to travel more in the coming year by God's grace.
My love for books and and writing began when my Mum taught me to read. First I learnt to read the brown, old Yoruba Bible in our room and then to devouring a couple of English story books I could find around. My interest in writing led me into the art of diary keeping , which has today grown into my many daily inspirational articles on my blog, with over 10 published in the Saturday Punch Newspaper couple of years ago. I kept diaries at different parts of my life, Keeping a journal helps me reflect and at times relive some other wonderful memories. I believe it helps us engage the 4 human endowments according to Stephen Covey; Self Awareness, Conscience, Independent Will and Creative Imagination. This art of keeping a diary has helped my writing skills and has been instrumental to my journey as an inspirational blogger and hopefully, very soon a best-selling author and renown speaker. Many of the diaries I kept got lost, some I kept and a few got me into trouble. I remember an instance when my diary brought me into trouble. I always wanted to learn swimming especially after a wonderful time with cousins at Lagos country club swimming pool during an holiday. It was a nice experience, so I got back to osogbo as a secondary school student and developed an habit of going with some friends to the Osun River to swim after school hours. On one of these occasions I met a boy called Shina who advised me to go to a deeper extension of the river – Elewure river, He recounted how many students have drowned there but that it was a perfect place to learn. I got back home and recorded my experience in my little diary , planning when I was going to go to the new stream to swim. Unknown to me my parents had been warned strongly in church by a strong spiritual warning- a prophecy about a kid in the house undertaking some risky ventures, we all wondered who that could be, until my diary was found and my escapades read by my mum, It’s needless to say what happened next, but that was the last time I went to the river, Today I I know there are many beautiful pools I continue to practice in.
My love for people is reflected in my desire to always meet new people and to help people solve their problems. I believe in our society today Engineers are great problem solvers and solution providers, So my study of Electrical and elwctron Engineering has set me on the right paths to help my world continue to develop and implement better ways of getting things done and achieving desired results. Overtime I have come to discover that Business is about filling people’s needs , So I have decided to continue to be in business,Hence, my desire to build my own business organization. I believe life is a journey and we continuoslylive and evolve through life. My life’s goal and mission is to inspire lives and organizations to greatness .I want to help create a world of solutions by expressing God’s glory in me and I want to equally help others do the same. In my life time id esire to be an accomplished Electrical Engineer, a responsible family man, a transformational leader and a best selling Author of well over 70 books. I desire to build and develop Emmandus Networks by God’s grace into a global profitable Corporation. Many decades from now when I am off this planet, after I am old and gone, I want my condolence register to reflect vital values I hold dear like Greatness, Integrity, Faith and Interdepence. I hope that some day at my funeral, my wife, children, grand children, old colleagues, employees,friends and acquaitnaceswill say comments like ; "My Father was a great man; Grandpa was a great treasure in Godliness and Diligence.Emmanuel helped us connect between our hopes,ideas ,dreams and our desired results.You inspired and touched lives around the world, you built businesses, and raised leaders. Emmanuel Oluwadunsin AYENI has lived life to the fullest. He was God’s ambassador on earth.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
#Spirituality post: Major on Mercy
Major on Mercy
...I beseech thee, show me thy glory.
– Exodus 33:18
What would you say is the single, most outstanding thing about God? What's His most important characteristic? Some people would say it's His power. Others, His holiness. But God Himself would give a different answer.
You can find that answer in Exodus 33. There Moses is asking God to show him His glory.
Now the word glory could literally be translated "heavy weight." It refers to the heaviest, biggest, grandest thing about someone. It's the sum total of their worth.
So what Moses was actually saying was, "Lord, I want to see the weightiest thing about You. I want to know Your grandest attributes." What did God say to him in response?
Chapter 34:6-7 tells us, "The Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin."
Just think about that! When Moses asked God to show him the most important thing about Himself, God showed him His mercy.
That means if you and I are to imitate God (Ephesians 5:1) we must major in mercy too. Mercy, goodness, forgiveness and compassion must mark our behavior above all else.
Major on mercy and others will see the glory of God in you.
Scripture Reading: Exodus 33:7-23, 34:5-10
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
It's a great day, the peak of the Christmas season. It's Christmas day! So I am so pleased to wish you all a wonderful time of celebration any where you are in the world. It's already 1:59am in Lagos, Nigeria as at the time of this post.Merry Christmas to everyone around the globe and a happy new year in advance to you and your loved ones.
Merry Christmas!
Emmanuel Ayeni
Life-coach,Engineer and Entrepreneur
(c)December 2014, Emmanuel Ayeni
Join myself and our team at Avenues to Wealth as we work closely with 20 people who are ready to increase their financial intelligence, make extra monthly income of about $1000 or more, secure your space at the link. http://bit.ly/VqbOgh
EMMANDUS Networks, Nigeria
Twitter: @emmandus
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/emmandus
- Up for grabs Over 500 books on Wealth Creation, Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. Call 07033875827 to lock down your slot.
- To make bookings for Emmanuel Ayeni to speak at your Seminar, Conference or event kindly call 07033875827

Are you interested in making extra passive and active income?
Do you want to learn how to live your dreams and generate multiple streams of income by investing little of your time ..Proceed! to the link www.creatingwealth.co/lcp1/emmandus

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014
We all could do with more thousands of naira, more dollars in extra income this next few days of December and even in the new year, think about how wonderful the festive period would be for you and loved ones if only you had more money to spend and even invest yes.. for some reasons some assets usually change hands in amazing deals this period.
So what if you could have not just some thousands but a whooping one million naira- Extra!
What will a million naira or dollars do for you? Wake up. Let's turn this your wish into amazing reality.
You see I want to help you. I want to work with 30 people this December to achieve their dreams. Secure your space here www.bit.ly/wmove
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Seven Secrets of Self-Made Multimillionaires
It's a great day. Today I share an interesting piece from entrepreneurs.com
Seven Secrets of Self-Made Multimillionaires by Grant Cardon.
First, understand that you no longer want to be just a millionaire. You want to become a multimillionaire.
While you may think a million dollars will give you financial security, it will not. Given the volatility in economies, governments and financial markets around the world, it's no longer safe to assume a million dollars will provide you and your family with true security. In fact, a Fidelity Investments' study of millionaires last year found that 42 percent of them don't feel wealthy and they would need $7.5 million of investable assets to start feeling rich.
This isn't a how-to on the accumulation of wealth from a lifetime of saving and pinching pennies. This is about generating multimillion-dollar wealth and enjoying it during the creation process. To get started, consider these seven secrets of multimillionaires.
No. 1: Decide to Be a Multimillionaire -- You first have to decide you want to be a self-made millionaire. I went from nothing—no money, just ideas and a lot of hard work—to create a net worth that probably cannot be destroyed in my lifetime. The first step was making a decision and setting a target. Every day for years, I wrote down this statement: "I am worth over $100,000,000!"
No. 2: Get Rid of Poverty Thinking -- There's no shortage of money on planet Earth, only a shortage of people who think correctly about it. To become a millionaire from scratch, you must end the poverty thinking. I know because I had to. I was raised by a single mother who did everything possible to put three boys through school and make ends meets. Many of the lessons she taught me encouraged a sense of scarcity and fear: "Eat all your food; there are people starving," "Don't waste anything," "Money doesn't grow on trees." Real wealth and abundance aren't created from such thinking.
No. 3: Treat it Like a Duty -- Self-made multimillionaires are motivated not just by money, but by a need for the marketplace to validate their contributions. While I have always wanted wealth, I was driven more by my need to contribute consistent with my potential. Multimillionaires don't lower their targets when things get tough. Rather, they raise expectations for themselves because they see the difference they can make with their families, company, community and charities.
No. 4: Surround Yourself with Multimillionaires -- I have been studying wealthy people since I was 10 years old. I read their stories and see what they went through. These are my mentors and teachers who inspire me. You can't learn how to make moneyfrom someone who doesn't have much. Who says, "Money won't make you happy"? People without money. Who says, "All rich people are greedy"? People who aren't rich. Wealthy people don't talk like that. You need to know what people are doing to create wealth and follow their example: What do they read? How do they invest? What drives them? How do they stay motivated and excited?
No. 5: Work Like a Millionaire -- Rich people treat time differently. They buy it, while poor people sell it. The wealthy know time is more valuable than money itself, so they hire people for things they're not good at or aren't a productive use of their time, such as household chores. But don't kid yourself that those who hit it big don't work hard. Financially successful people are consumed by their hunt for success and work to the point that they feel they are winning and not just working.
No. 6: Shift Focus from Spending to Investing -- The rich don't spend money; they invest. They know the U.S. tax laws favor investing over spending. You buy a house and can't write it off. The rich, in contrast, buy an apartment building that produces cash flow, appreciates and offers write-offs year after year. You buy cars for comfort and style. The rich buy cars for their company that are deductible because they are used to produce revenue.
No. 7: Create Multiple Flows of Income -- The really rich never depend on one flow of income but instead create a number of revenue streams. My first business had been generating a seven-figure income for years when I started investing cash in multifamily real estate. Once my real estate and my consulting business were churning, I went into a third business developing software to help retailers improve the customer experience.
Lastly, you may be surprised to learn that wealthy people wish you were wealthy, too. It's a mystery to them why others don't get rich. They know they aren't special and that wealth is available to anyone who wants to focus and persist. Rich people want others to be rich for two reasons: first, so you can buy their products and services, and second, because they want to hang out with other rich people. Get rich -- it's American.
Monday, December 22, 2014
It's a great day! It's another wonderful Monday as we move to the end of the month of December. My write up today, is a challenge to chase your goals.
If you try once and don't succeed, try, try and ty again. Good things some people say come to those who wait; Great things, I believe come to those who dare to Go for it.
Someone opined that the reason the bull dog's nose is slanted backwards is so that it can keep on running without letting go or stopping to catch it's breath.
I attended a friend's event recently and I remember how persistent he was about hosting this event years away even when the conditions were not right and just days ago it happened for him. If you want it so much; don't stop ,go for it.
I can share a personal account for which I am still grateful. Three years ago, I had a strong desire to execute a project, I prepared, prayed and planned every year but It just didn't work out; I kept believing every year, worked and prayed more while changing my approach to its implementation and couple of days ago something positive happened as regards the project-it worked!.
You have never failed until you stop trying, because you are tired of failing. You need not only set big, bold and audacious goals but you also need to be courageous to go after them and make them happen.
Your creed will be, If I fall, I will rise again; I will keep at it until I succeed because SUCCESS is my reality.
Go For it !
Emmanuel Ayeni
Your billionaire friend
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Spirituality : Stick to Your Calling
Stick to Your Calling
By Kenneth Copeland
Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God.... who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.
– 2 Timothy 1:6-9
Are you doing what God called you to do?
If you haven't ever thought about it before, that may sound like an odd question to you. You may be tempted to shrug it off and say, "Oh, I'm not really called to do anything. I'm not a pastor or a teacher or a minister of any kind...I guess I'm just what you might call a little finger on the Body of Christ."
Let me tell you something: No matter who you are, God has put a holy calling in you. He's designed you and called you to meet a need in the Body of Christ that nobody else can meet quite like you can.
You may be called to be so successful in business you can finance the gospel worldwide. You may be called to a ministry of prayer and intercession. You may be called to a ministry of healing right there in your own neighborhood. But no matter what that calling is, it's important and you need to follow it!
If you're like many believers I know, you may have let your life become so overgrown with other things that you just don't have time to pursue your calling. You may be so overwhelmed with the cares of life that you can't imagine how you can fit in anything else.
Over the years, a pastor friend of mine got involved in so many different areas of ministry that he was about to fold up physically under the strain of it. The overload was actually about to kill him. Finally, the Lord spoke to him one night and said,John, it's not your calling that's nearly killed you. It's everything else you've added to it.
I've had to deal with that in my own life. I've had to quit doing things just because they need doing. I've had to discipline myself to sticking to what
Saturday, December 20, 2014
It's a great day! Sure for me here in Lagos,Nigeria, as the years wind to an end and I continue to make progress on my first book publishing project- my debut. Since I am still blogging on the lessons series; I want to share an account from a personal occurrence in the course of the year 2014
*Lessons from my stolen tablet*
It was an evening, I had planned to attend a faith-based function slated later for the evening.
I was tired but determined to make it to the event, and I was glad I did. It was wonderful and spiritually uplifting though not so good as regards my tablet -it was the last time I saw or used it.
This was because while I prayed and shared shortly from the device at a given opportunity amongst the group of people, there was a scheme to dispossess me of the lovely device. The 'Holy thief' already knew what he was going to do.
I do not know the identity of the Holy thief because though I might know him but I possibly did not know him enough. And even at that, it could be an He or a She that was the thief.
All men slept and the deed was done. It was an all-night event and I had a great time and networked like I usually do. So I did rest my tired head for a couple of hours and alas it was gone.
There was an unbelievable feeling of surprise and voidness at missing my PDA. I was surprised but not disturbed; moved and not bothered.
I was comforted that I could still have all I wanted back; it was only going to take some time. Time is always a variable.
I thank God for the clouds. I was comforted in the power of information backed up on the cloud and was not moved by the one who has done the basest. Taking another man's possession by any means is not only the opposite of giving,which is living but it's also the basest form of existence-a sure path to extinction of values and otherwise promising potential. This is my first account about the holy thief.
This festive period, wherever you are, you can't be too careful with your gadgets, car or personal belongings.
Emmanuel Ayeni
Life coach, Engineer and Entrepreneur.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
It's a great day and I am grateful to God, someone once shared an inspiring story with me in a chat and I will love to share the same here today. Please enjoy and your feedbacks are appreciated as well.
A few years ago a group of salesmen went to a regional sales convention in Chicago .. They had assured their wives that they would be home in plenty of time for Friday night's dinner. In their rush, with tickets and briefcases, one of these salesmen inadvertently kicked over a table which held a display of apples. Apples flew everywhere. Without stopping or looking back, they all managed to reach the plane in time for their nearly-missed boarding...
ALL BUT ONE!!! He paused, took a deep breath, got in touch with his feelings and experienced a twinge of compassion for the girl whose apple stand had been overturned.
He told his buddies to go on without him, waved good-bye, told one of them to call his wife when they arrived at their home destination and explain his taking a later flight. Then he returned to the terminal where the apples were all over the terminal floor.
He was glad he did. The 16-year-old girl was totally blind! She was softly crying, tears running down her cheeks in frustration, and at the same time helplessly groping for her spilled produce as the crowd swirled about her; no one stopping and no one to care for her plight.
The salesman knelt on the floor with her, gathered up the apples, put them back on the table and helped organize her display. As he did this, he noticed that many of them had become battered and bruised; these he set aside in another basket.
When he had finished, he pulled out his wallet and said to the girl, "Here, please take this $40 for the damage we did. Are you okay?"She nodded through her tears. He continued on with, "I hope we didn't spoil your day too badly."
As the salesman started to walk away, the bewildered blind girl called out to him, "Mister...." He paused and turned to look back into those blind eyes. She continued, "Are you Jesus?"
He stopped in mid-stride .... and he wondered. He gently went back and said, "No, I am nothing like Jesus - He is good, kind, caring, loving, and would never have bumped into yo"No, I am nothing like Jesus - He is good, kind, caring, loving, and would never have bumped into your display in the first place.
"The girl gently nodded: "I only asked because I prayed for Jesus to help me gather the apples. He sent you to help me, so you are like Him - only He knows who will do His will. Thank you for hearing His call, Mister."
Then slowly he made his way to catch the later flight with that question burning and bouncing about in his soul: "Are you Jesus?"
Do people mistake you for Jesus?
That's our destiny, is it not? To be so much like Jesus that people cannot tell the difference as we live and interact with a world that is blind to His love, life and grace.
If we claim to know Him, we should live, walk and act as He would. Knowing Him is more than simply quoting scripture and going to church. It's actually living the Word as life unfolds day to day.
You are the apple of His eye even though you, too, have been bruised by a fall. He stopped what He was doing and picked up you and me on a hill called Calvary and paid in full for our damaged fruit.
Please share this, {if you feel led to do so}.
Sometimes we just take things for granted, when we really need to be sharing what we know....Thanks.
The nicest place to be is in someone's thoughts, the safest place to be is in someone's prayers, and the very best place to be is in the hands of God.
Emmanuel Ayeni
Life-coach,Engineer and Entrepreneur
(c)November 2014, Emmanuel Ayeni
Join myself and our team at Avenues to Wealth as we work closely with 20 people who are ready to increase their financial intelligence, make extra monthly income of about $1000 or more, secure your space at the link. http://bit.ly/VqbOgh
EMMANDUS Networks, Nigeria
Twitter: @emmandus
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/emmandus
- Up for grabs Over 500 books on Wealth Creation, Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. Call 07033875827 to lock down your slot.
- To make bookings for Emmanuel Ayeni to speak at your Seminar, Conference or event kindly call 07033875827

Are you interested in making extra passive and active income?
Do you want to learn how to live your dreams and generate multiple streams of income by investing little of your time ..Proceed! to the link www.creatingwealth.co/lcp1/emmandus

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Sunday, December 14, 2014
<blockquote> Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.</blockquote>
It's God's desire that we grow in Him. The only way this is going to happen is by abiding in Jesus' Christ through faith in Him, His principles and God's Incorruptible word.
The amazing thing is you can read the bible on the go,on your phone tablet or other mobile devices when commuting. Interestingly, there are also audio bibles or other spiritual resources you can listen to while driving in your car.
I share some useful resources here;
Online Bibles.
1. www.biblegateway.com
2.www.biblehub.com and many more...
1. Rhema Kenneth Hagin Study Center - Kenneth Hagin Ministry - Rhema Ministries - Bible Teachings
1b. www.rhema.org/?option=com_healthfood
2.Kenneth Copeland Welcome to Kenneth Copeland Ministries Official Website - Kenneth Copeland Ministries
3.Open Heavens https://www.facebook.com/pages/Read-Daily-Open-Heavens-Here/131573746910766
4.Joyce Meyers http://www.joycemeyer.org/Articles/Devotional.aspx
5. DEREK Prince http://www.derekprince.org/Articles/1000086112/DPM_US/Archive_of_UK/Resources/Daily_Devotional/
6.CREFLO DOLLAR http://www.creflodollarministries.org/BibleStudy/DailyDevotionals.aspx?mid=2&month=
7. FRED PRICE Ever Increasing Faith Ministries - Dr. Frederick K.C. Price - Crenshaw Christian Center
8. Joel Osteen http://www.joelosteen.com/Pages/Articles.aspx
Emmanuel Ayeni.
Friday, December 12, 2014
"Sure I am that this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set before us is not above our strengths; that its pangs and toils are not beyond my endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us."- Winston Churchill
No matter where you are, no matter what it is, you can make it happen. There is no mountain that is insurmountable, yes you can make it happen.
It is a known fact that many people give up soon enough before seeing the shining face of success; that will not be you. You are powerful beyond measure- you are a child of the Universe. God is your Father. He is the strength of your life.
You are powerful beyond measure and with great faith you can dispel all fears and bring down the giant.
Someone's goal is tied to the fulfillment of yours. Go all out for it today and make it happen.
I know you can!
Make it Happen!
Emmanuel Ayeni
Your billion-dollar friend.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
It's a great day! Another wonderful day and I am indeed grateful to God. Amidst all activities around the end of the year, I have still not given up on my goals, I still continue to work to change what can be changed at the moment .
One of the main projects on my mind around this time apart from my new book project is my Toastmasters membership. Toastmasters, I will describe as a personal development club. It's an international organization that helps members develop their speaking and leadership skills. Toastmasters is in well over 162 countries with the international world headquarters located in Rancho Santa Margarita, California. See more info at www.toastmasters.org
So last November, after months of being a guest , I eventually formalised my membership by undertaking necessary registration and getting set to begin my journey .
Every toastmaster's journey begins with an icebreaker- an introductory speech and mine starts as I currently look forward to breaking the ice at Merit Toastmasters Ikeja, later today in the last meeting of the year.
Every journey begins with a step in the right direction. If we keep moving and never stop taking steps- in the right direction we can eventually have an option to go at full speed; and if we do not stop or falter we will surely get there!
Keep moving!
Your billionaire coach!
Emmanuel Ayeni
Sunday, December 7, 2014
SPIRITUALITY: His name is Wonderful by Bishop Oyedepo
Happy Sunday and today as I watch a live telecast, I have decided to share a message by Bishop David Oyedepo, see more about him at the end of the post.
This message was shared by Bishop David Oyedepo at RCCG HOLY GHOST CONGRESS 2012 "SIGNS AND WONDERS" - DAY 5
Be blessed!
Title: His name is Wonderful
Minister: Bishop David Oyedepo
Bible verse: Isaiah 9:6 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
Every child of God is born to be a wonder to the world. According to John 3:8, everyone born of the spirit is born a living wonder. Mark 16:17-18 says” And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”
By divine ordination, every child of God is born a sign and wonder by divine ordination. Isaiah 8: 18 says “ Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion”.
Even though we know who we are, we need to know how to operate in that realm. What do you need to do to be a sign and wonder.?
Exodus 4:17 says “And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs” and Isaiah 11:1 says “And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD” Combinning these two verses, it is clear that to be a sign and wonder you need to carry Jesus every where you go. The name of Jesus is so full of wonders and engaging that name ‘Jesus’ is one way to evoke signs and wonders to flow in our life.
In Acts 3: 6 Peter had no money to give the lame man but with the name of Jesus he was able to do wonders and the lame man got up and began to walk. The name of Jesus can bring anybody out from issues of life.
You need to know how to engage the name of Jesus to see wonders in your life. There is healing, protection, blessing in the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is key to answered prayers, when you pray to God in the name of Jesus,you grab God’s attention. The name of Jesus opens the doors of heaven ( John 14:12) The name of Jesus is anointed, the name of Jesus destroys yokes, demons are subjected to the name. When you engage that name against the operation, the anointing goes forth to fight on your behalf.The name of Jesus guarantees peace in troubled times. There is counsel in that name so when your soul is troubled, call upon the name of Jesus. The bible calls Him the Prince of peace.
With the name of Jesus in your hand, a new day dawns on your life. With faith in the name of Jesus, there is a change of story for you! The bible says in that the signs will follow those that believe, the name puts you in command of every situation in your life. When we engage the name of Jesus n faith, miracles, signs and wonders will follow.
The depth of understanding you have in the name of Jesus will determine the result you get when you make use of the name. Your spiritual understanding of the name of Jesus is key to experiencing your signs and wonders, the name of Jesus is full of wonders
Christianity without the supernatural is fake religion, if the supernatural is not happening around you then you are not experiencing true Christianity. By engaging the name of God, you experience the supernatural things, you start to get things . The name of Jesus is a gift from God to the believer, the name of Jesus is the key to every door, you can use the name of Jesus to cross your red sea and overcome your problems.
Prayer Point: Jesus touch me tonight, give me an answer tonight! Go ahead and engage the name Jesus against that challenge in your life!!!!
Be blessed!
Emmanuel Ayeni
Life-coach,Engineer and Entrepreneur
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- Up for grabs Over 500 books on Wealth Creation, Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. Call 07033875827 to lock down your slot.
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Wednesday, December 3, 2014
The Buzz about My New Book
Today I thought I was going to talk about my new book. Yes... just a buzz about my unpublished new book.
I have always wanted to get published and above all I still have the exciting dream of becoming a best selling author. I have met a mentor who have sold more than a million copies of his books. It's exciting to think of affecting a million lives positively.
But then I have delayed work over my debut for over a year now and I am the culprit. I am to be blame.
I am taking responsibility by sharing these grievous fault and I am currently putting my energy to getting the book to the press like today. I mean Now .Asap
As I take action in getting these book out amidst all the necessary resources; I hope for the very best God Willing.
Watch out!
Emmanuel Ayeni
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Be blessed!
Emmanuel Ayeni
Life-coach,Engineer and Entrepreneur
(c)December 2014, Emmanuel Ayeni
Join myself and our team at Avenues to Wealth as we work closely with 20 people who are ready to increase their financial intelligence, make extra monthly income of about $1000 or more, secure your space at the link. http://bit.ly/VqbOgh
EMMANDUS Networks, Nigeria
Twitter: @emmandus
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/emmandus
- Up for grabs Over 500 books on Wealth Creation, Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. Call 07033875827 to lock down your slot.
- To make bookings for Emmanuel Ayeni to speak at your Seminar, Conference or event kindly call 07033875827

Are you interested in making extra passive and active income?
Do you want to learn how to live your dreams and generate multiple streams of income by investing little of your time ..Proceed! to the link www.creatingwealth.co/lcp1/emmandus

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