God wants to take you to levels higher than you’ve ever been before.
When you begin to understand the levels of favor, opportunity, influence, promotion, health and creativity God has for you, you’ll never be the same.
Obstacles won’t intimidate you. Naysayers won’t discourage you. Limitations won’t hold you back.
No matter what the circumstances around you look like, I want you to get this down in your spirit today...
God wants to bless you in every area of your life! You aren’t called to barely get by. You weren’t created to struggle through each day, barely paying bills, frustrated at work, unhappy at home.
As a child of Almighty God, you are a joint-heir with Christ Jesus. Every good and perfect gift from the Father is available to you.
Success is your birthright!
That means that every setback is temporary. Every roadblock is artificial. Every limitation can be overcome.
I want to encourage you that we serve a God who strategically orders our steps. He is not random — He is precise and accurate.
God has already laid out His good plan for your life... down to the smallest detail.
Just as God will strategically use good breaks, promotions and the right people, God can also use adversities, disappointments and closed doors to move you toward your destiny. It might seem difficult right now, but if you’ll keep moving forward, one day you will see how God can use it for your ultimate success.
You may never know why you’re going through a challenging time, but you can come back to this core truth that God knows what He is doing. His plan for your life is better than you can imagine.
God is bringing you to a place of
unprecedented success.
Make this declaration a part of your daily life:
I am blessed for success. I am in it to win it. I will not let what somebody said about me, this rejection, this breakup, this closed door, this disappointment, or this sickness cause me to get sour. God strategically placed me here. I will succeed because God is for me, and He will provide everything I need.
Victoria and I are so grateful for you, and we are so excited about the blessings and favor God has in store for you.
Remember, God has a great plan for your life and He will never leave you or forsake you. He wants to make you an example of His goodness!
Source: Joel Osteen Ministries
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