DAY 5 of 30
Today’s post is a reflection of personal events and lessons learnt over the last couple of weeks.
Talk isn’t cheap anymore. I learnt how vital words are and much more, the information they convey.
Information is an invaluable asset in today’s economy. A relevant piece of information can change a man’s fortune forever. If it’s relevant, refined and packaged and it’s peculiar to an audience or it most likely solves a problem, there will be an exchange of value somewhere down the line. Someone is waiting to pay for it.
Consistency is key to the achievement of any goal. I learnt that not everybody who begins a journey finishes it, if it were there would have been no failed business; every business would have been a success. God’s grace and consistency are vital in the progress of any venture.Focus is like a laser that cuts through metal when clearly harnessed. Focus is instrumental to the pursuit of any goal. It is said that broken focus is the reason men fail, however I observed a subtle definition of focus is that the focused eye may be blind to a hundred other things at a particular instant.
You either prepare to go all the way or you do not set out at all. If you choose to climb a mountain, until you have reached the summit you aimed for, you have not achieved the success you set out to achieve.
There is no such thing as Impossible, no mountain is insurmountable, if you fail to reach the peak the first time you just may not have gotten the stamina yet.He who fails to plan obviously plans to fail. Proper planning is the simple antidote to the disappointment brought my poor performance. If you plan it well enough, you will leave no stone unturned and you will definitely uncover the precious pebbles that are way beyond the surface.
Stay in the moment, treasure it and move confidently into the future. Discard the burdens, pay attention to the lessons from the past with the goals of the present and the assurance that God’s greatness reside in you and you will stop at nothing to work it out.
Learning never ends....and success is only sure if you never ever give up!
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Emmanuel AyeniYour billion-dollar friend!
(c) Emmanuel Ayeni, August 2014
EMMANDUS Networks Nigeria
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