It was a great Sunday service for me. I enjoyed a wonderful time in God's presence, I really did and was so blessed. I however made a trip and read a powerful magazine with amazing testimonies of people whose lives have been changed by having life changing encounters with Jesus!
It is Voice magazine. A publication of the Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship international, I was reading one published by the Nigerian chapter. I believe it's a great tool for personal use and will be effective for witnessing!
Yeah! It's a Sunday so today's post is inclined in that direction.
I share below the testimony of another reader of Voice from the internet. i hope you enjoy it!
There are a myriad of magazines issued by Christian publishers, however, one is known as an outstanding witnessing tool. That one is Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International Voice magazine.
Through the 43 years the magazine has been in existence we have received literally thousands of testimonies like the following: A business man writes
"My wife was a wonderful Christian, but I would have no part of it. I drank heavily and smoked five packs of cigarettes a day.
One morning, after I had made my usual excuses for not going to church, my wife said, 'well, while I'm gone I would like you to read this.' And laid a small magazine on the kitchen table. 'It's just a magazine the janitor of the church gave me,' she explained as she walked out.
"That was the first time I had seen a copy of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship VOICE. I read it, and when she got home I suppose she thought I was having a heart attack. While reading that magazine something had swelled up inside of me and I was hurting so badly. Tears were flowing down my face as I asked her, 'where did you say you got this magazine?' She replied, 'from the janitor of the church.' I said, 'we've got to see that man today!'
"We found his home, knelt down and prayed together and for the first time in my life I asked Jesus to come into my heart. I've never forgotten the sweetness of His presence at that time."
Voice magazine is a challenge for you to share your testimony and a constant encouragement as you read what God has done for others, knowing that He can do the same for you.

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