Never get weary, do not faint…
Do not lose hope and Never give up Because if you do, you die Why die before your time? Only the living can praise the Lord Only those who fail to quit Can live to achieve their dreams! br Live life to the fullest That is God’s will for you. Do not weep or mourn Because he’s paid the price for you. Get to work and make it happen For He is every ready to help you often So who says you cannot fly When your own God dwells in the Heavens? And why do you think the sky is the limit When there are footsteps on the moon? Blow your mind, and lift the lid Imagine and take the lead Believe and go for it What else would you rather believe than this? You are closer than ever to the goal. Cheers ! Emmanuel AyeniLEVERAGE 2.0 : THE INSTANT FAST READING PROGRAMME
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